Legislation Branch Directorate



The Directives and Regulations to be implemented at our university, which are sent to our Legislation Branch, are examined within the framework of the Provisions of the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of Legislation Preparation and Legislation Implementation Examples to check their compliance. Those that are compliant are sent to the University Senate for discussion. Those that are not compliant are returned to the relevant unit for correction.


Related links:

Regulation on Procedures and Principles to be Applied in Official Correspondence No. 31151

Law No. 3071 on the Use of the Right to Petition

Law No. 3473 on the Acceptance of the Decree Law on the Destruction of Documents and Materials No Longer Needed

Decree Law No. 124 on the Administrative Organization of Higher Education Institutions and Higher Education Institutions

Regulation on State Archive Services No. 19816

Standard File Plan Implemented with the Prime Ministry Circular No. 2005/7



Responsible Personnel

Title Name Surname Extension Phone
Servant Hakan YILDIZ 1716